Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Shock resistant protective glass Ainy, or how to save your smartphone?

Imagine for a moment that you’ve just bought a brand new iPhone 5S or Samsung GALAXY S5. It’s not cheap smartphones capable to deliver you a lot of pleasant moments. Such things people buy usually not a month or two, are used for a long time – before the next leader. And I would like to preserve the appearance of the device as possible to protect it. That’s just not all love bags and film. Naturally, this is a matter of taste, but because modern smartphones have an attractive design, and least of all I would like to hide it.

Why smartphone protection?

Now, imagine, think about how you use your smart phone every day. Surely you lead an active life and the unit is exposed to a variety of tests. Falls into the pocket where the keys are, may fall to the pavement. You can put it on the table where the rest of the sugar – it would seem that could happen? But if you just push and push the machine, then it may appear small scratches. Generally, no matter how protected or possess glass modern smartphone, micro-scratches on it is unlikely to get protected. And then, if you decide to sell your gadget, the buyer probably have questions – from scratch? Begin negotiating, and you are unlikely to get as much as they wanted. As with cars, it is the appearance of the device plays a crucial role in the sale, in this case on clothes and meet and see off.

Well, in the fall that will protect your screen? Glass? Alas, this element is lacking modern defense, it can let you down. The screen will remain in the order, but on the glass from the impact may cause cracks. This is ugly and even dangerous – who wants to cuddle cheek screen serrated. The service you will be charged for the replacement of a few thousand, and will change the display assembly. And there is a lot of it, a few thousand. Plus the time spent on the campaign to the service center, but still have to wait. Yes, not the fact that they will do well.

Shock resistant protective glass Ainy, or how to save your smartphone?

So is there a cure for all these ills? Yes, there is. We want to introduce you to a shock-resistant protective glass Ainy for various gadgets, the example of iPhone 5S will tell how the installation, as it makes the unit from various scrapes and what features has. At the moment there are so many versions-resistant safety glass Ainy for smartphones, a window for the iPhone 5 / 5S / 5C thickness of 0.15, 0.22 or 0.33 mm, iPad Air (0,33 mm), iPad mini / mini second generation, iPhone 4 / 4S (0,33 mm), Samsung GALAXY S5, lines of smartphones HTC, LG and others, a complete list can be found here . Included with each kit is supplied glass wipes, wet and dry, set of stickers for the removal of dust, a set of fixing labels and instructions, which provides details of how to strengthen the glass. To begin, let’s talk about features.

Glass Ainy – all easy!

Many have not yet familiar with this accessory as safety glass – others once you try, now always choose such protection. We want to say that this is really very technological and fun accessory. At the heart of impact-resistant glass Ainy is a special German SCHOTT glass with Japanese rubberized coating layer. Each glass passes obligatory quality control – this check ensures that no roughness and scratches on the surface. For iPhone 5 / 5S / 5C produced three types of glass with different thickness, they all provide a similar level of protection, and you can choose the accessory to taste, even a model with a thickness of 0.33 mm is almost invisible on the smartphone.

Shock resistant protective glass Ainy, or how to save your smartphone?

What makes safety glass? Firstly, protects the screen of your smartphone against scratches and scuffs, you can put the unit on a table down, you can carry in your pocket with keys – all this is not scary. Secondly, even when the display window is likely to withstand shock and no crack. In any case, the screen of the smartphone is protected. Thirdly, the glass does not affect the image quality. Fourth, there is a special coating that protects the screen from dirt. Finally, there are a number of very interesting features. For example, fit in the product is subjected to mechanical polishing to produce rounded edges – it makes for a more comfortable use. Heat treatment of glass by changing its surface and internal structures can achieve coefficient of hardness 5H! Even if you’re specifically specially scratching glass Ainy key is unlikely to get damaged.

Installation – simply nowhere!

A huge plus-resistant glass Ainy – easy installation. If you ever tried to stick a film, you probably know how difficult it is. It is necessary to carefully clean the display for a long time, you should try to do it in a dust-free, you need a long time to disperse the bubbles and remove the stickers motes … In general, it is better to entrust it to professionals. But with glass Ainy all as simple as possible! That looks like the installation of safety glass!

  • Wipe the screen with smartphone wet, then dry cloth from the kit

  • Shooting with a protective glass sticker

  • Is applied to the display of the smartphone, be sure to hold the glass in the left and right end, combining upper and lower cutouts for the speaker and the button Home. Recommended slightly bend the glass to it first pressed against the middle of the display of the central part. Then let go of the sidewall, as a rule, then it all happens by itself

  • If necessary, remove the stickers and away the dust and bubbles – but hardly the need arise

  • Glass can be used several times, so we recommend not to throw away the sticker

On the official website states that the deep processing of the adsorption layer of silica gel using Japanese production allows for the absorption effect of static electricity for the perfect fit of the protective glass to the display device. It’s really so, the installation there is no difficulty in a person with any level of training. Girls we would recommend shockproof glass Ainy for their favorite smartfonchikov – may well cope with the installation of your own! Oh, and for men it will not be difficult at all.

Shock resistant protective glass Ainy, or how to save your smartphone?

How much is peace of mind?

Shockproof glass Ainy easy to install, invisible on the smartphone, save the device’s screen from a variety of ills. How much is this innovative protection? Model for the iPhone 5 / 5S / 5C worth 695 rubles, hyperfine glass thickness of 0.15 mm. Version 0.33 mm thick only costs 595 rubles. Model for Samsung GALAXY S5 worth 595 rubles for HTC One (M8) as much. Think, just 695 rubles – and any thoughts about what might happen to the display of your smartphone. No worries, no scuffs, the screen like new – if you decide to sell the unit, the buyer will be nothing to complain about. And it’s all thanks Ainy, transparent modern armor for smart devices.

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