Thursday, October 16, 2014

Experts have warned about the risk of Ebola sex with the patient and touching the toilet seat

Medical specialists have warned that fever Ebola , mortality is 70-90% which can be transmitted from touching the toilet seat after the infected, as well as a result of having sex with a patient. The fact that the virus can survive in the seed recovered three months.

According to The Guardian , feces and urine of the patient Ebola represent a real risk. In addition, writes columnist heading “Health” of the British newspaper, Ebola can be transmitted sexually. The virus remains in the semen recovered people for about 90 days, reports InoPressa .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more often than Ebola is transmitted from person to person through physical contact. Especially dangerous is the blood of the infected. However, the organization noted that the infection can be picked up after contact with items that used patient.

On the advice of the British newspaper columnist any area which looks infected, as well as toilets and the surface to which touches a lot of people, you need to wipe at the disposal of wipes to remove all visible liquid and then clean them with detergent or soap and water and wait until they are dry.

Ebola began in February 2014 in West Africa. The virus has been detected in the United States and Spain. It brought the people working in the affected African countries. Experts do not rule out joining a fever and in Russia. It is expected that it may appear in Russia in late October. According to the latest WHO Ebola victims began more than four thousand people.

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