Monday, October 6, 2014

Demand for risky assets stimulate regulators

Today, many leading economists and experts in the field of SEO accused regulators and central banks to increase the interest of investors in risky assets exchange. Thereby themselves at risk.

Such official controls, the Bank for International Settlements, the Financial Stabilization Fund, and even Federal Reserve a lot of talk and write about what the financial markets have swollen blisters, and by all available means and methods are spreading rumors and opinions on this matter. For example, the Fed has its July report on the risks of investing in securities online digital and biotech companies. Also, a lot of information comes about that the private sector is showing increased interest in the shares, which are not protected in the long term by raising interest rates. But namely regulators maintained debtors and thus “poured” depositors. Guilty in all central banks, and ordinary investors simply follow an established trend and do what they see on the surface.

If we talk about the bubbles themselves, not all experts believe that their formation is over. Some, for example, believe that the real estate sector and the stock has not yet reached critical levels oversold, and the picture 18-month-old is no different from today’s.

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