Friday, December 5, 2014

The Japanese have created a robot cleaner Yuki Tarot, pressing the snow

In Japan, have developed a completely new type of cleaning robot, which is able to convert the snow mixed with mud in brake-box. Robot was named Yuki Tarot, and will use it in the cities where there are problems with snow removal.

In the process of cleaning robot creates snow “bricks” dimensions of 500 * 300 * 120mm and weighing about 13 kilograms.

Developers robot argue that it can be used in the mountainous areas of the country, in small towns and villages. Abundant and frequent snowfalls are often cut off from their cities, and this inevitably leads to the fact that there is a problem with the delivery of food and other household troubles.

The Japanese have created a robot cleaner Yuki Tarot, pressing the snow

There are now multiple instances of the robot, which are not intended for commercial use. They are a variety of tests, and the developers are planning in the near future to debug serial production of the robot. In the production of its plan to bring a period of five years. One such robot will cost about 9 thousand dollars.

Yuki Tarot 100% self-contained and has the ability to remote control. For this plan to equip the robot sensor system, GPS-receiver and video cameras that will monitor the movement of the robot. 400 kg weight of the robot and the power will be at the expense of battery DC48V. About the battery life is not reported.

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