Great news! Now, if you want, you can cut off his ears and sell for big money – you are no longer needed.
It turns out that you have no need to listen to women – much safer just to look at them. Her body will tell about his mistress more and more honest than she. (And thus never embark on a reasoning about horoscopes, about feminism and striped rib – which can also be regarded as a considerable bonus.) To help you – this little but very useful wordless phrase book.
Smile free
Pretty easy to understand, whether the girl is happy to communicate with you, or a smile pasted on her face as an element of make-up. In true smile involves not only the lips, but his eyes (which appear in the corners of the small wrinkles), and the entire face (it becomes more relaxed). Also make sure the girls pose – if it is hard and unnatural, then smile, most likely the same.
Happy Feet
Pay attention to the legs. If they are aimed in your direction – a good sign. But even more reliable signal – mechanically stroking the legs and hips hands (and not only when it is in a mini-skirt – women in jeans, this rule also applies). Easy tapping his fingers on his knee or poddergivanie hem up – all this unconscious desire to wake up your sex drive.
Along the lip line
Woman feeling slight excitement may start automatically stimulate its spending on the lips a strand of hair or straw from a cocktail. Great feature, especially since it also gets you. By the way, she is able to do the same things, being alone. Not the fact that she thinks about sex – maybe she thinks about some unpleasant things and automatically consoles himself.
Cinderella Effect
Now I understand why the heroine of the infamous tale rasshvyrivala throughout his shoes. Observations psychologists have long confirmed – women tend to flirt with us polusnimaya shoe with his feet and waving it in the air. Probably, it involved the same reflex that makes the cat tail tip twitch at the sight of her totally not interested in, foreign and sassy cat.
Do not miss it!
If the lady took a serious, responsible to immediately go with you and nauchinyat outrages, she certainly choose the following strategy: unfold to you all over, lightly toss back and try as clearly as possible to copy the pose in which you sit. Perhaps she will repeat your gestures and words that you just said. Yes? Yes. And you, too? Me too. So maybe …? Can.
How to understand what a women wants
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