Saturday, February 1, 2014

Study: Americans assign a leading role in Germany

Modern society, a strong economy, the leading power in the international arena, which operates in a constructive and conducive to peace. This opinion, as shown by the survey data, followed by the majority of Americans against Germany. This position does not reject the Germans.

While the U.S. image in Germany because of the scandal surrounding the NSA staggered, Germans and Germany itself in the eyes of Americans are at a high level. 59% of Americans said that Germany makes a strong impression. This is the highest figure in the last ten years.

In a representative survey Magid, the results of which were presented to the German embassy in Washington, were interviewed 1517 respondents aged 18 years.

The survey showed that Americans not only feel sympathy for the former enemies in World War II, but also recognize the growing economic and political importance of Germany. Americans called Germany a major international partner among non-English speaking countries:

  • United Kingdom (69%);

  • Canada (61%);

  • Germany (43%);

  • China (42%);

  • Japan (38%);

  • France (33%).

Unlike the Germans themselves, Americans ascribe to them not only economic and technological, but also the leading political positions.

  • 60% of respondents cited Germany as a “modern and progressive thinking” society;

  • 57% said that Germany is a major economic power;

  • 57% believe that the Germans play an important role in the UN and international politics;

  • 47% believe that Germany contributes to the development of democracy and peace in the world;

Within Europe, Germany is playing a stabilizing (51%) and structural (41%) role.

Fewer Americans than in previous surveys, describe the relationship between the U.S. and Germany as positive, that is probably due to the scandal over the NSA. In addition, the survey was conducted in November, shortly after the scandal with mobile phone wiretapping Angela Merkel.

42% of Americans read the relations between Germany and the U.S. “good” (in 2011 the figure was 50%), 48% consider them as neutral and only 10% – bad.

In any case, these figures are far from those that were in the days of the Iraq war, when relations between the two countries was dominated by controversy. According to Magid, in 2003 only 17% of respondents described the relationship as good.

Americans believe that the Germans are good for them and for the country:

43% believe that the Germans love them and their country. 20% hold the opposite view. In 2011, these figures were 50 and 15% (in 2009 this figure was 42 and 22%, in 2008 – 43 and 21%).

In fact, the position of the Germans towards the U.S. is much more critical. In a survey of channel ARD, held in early November 2013, only 35% of Germans said they trust the U.S., 61% hold the opposite opinion. During the visit of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry this Friday in Berlin, perhaps, neither Merkel nor Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier not have hoped for a formal apology in connection with the wiretapping. And an agreement on mutual renunciation of espionage, the conclusion of which is so anxious to Merkel, apparently also not expected.

Looks absurd recent studies Win-Gallup. 17% of Germans called the U.S. a major threat to world peace. The United States in this respect behind Iran (16%), Syria (14%) and North Korea (7%). Hardest such a position in relation to the United States expressed among youth – 25% of young people aged 25 to 34 years is considered the greatest threat to the United States.

Study: Americans assign a leading role in Germany

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