Apple has already started sending the first buyers of Apple Watch, running parallel to the app store. However, not only ordinary consumers get to the first smart watch Apple, but specialists from iFixit, which, according to a tradition, do not use the device, and, above all, dismantle them.
According to the autopsy Apple Watch Sport, experts pointed out the shortcomings of the design in terms of repairs and parts replacement. In particular, the procedure very difficult for proprietary Pentalobe screws and a very small amount of hardware and cables – even had to undermine the screwdriver. Another problem faced by repair specialists – turn off the display, as the cables are hidden under a resilient arm.
In general, assembly worthy hours. Inside they do not look very attractive, but all the elements are arranged tightly to each other and each part has its own strictly designated areas. Battery capacity, as it turned out during parsing, is only 205 mAh (version 38 mm), which explains the reason for a short stint Smart hours. By the way, the battery is almost the only element that can be more or less painlessly replaced. What is interesting, even Apple Watch Sport is gold – the individual elements were gilded filling.
Lauded Taptic Engine (part with the spring in the photo) was quite simple in its execution. But a variety of mechanisms, sensors and other units here a great variety, each is a fairly complex elements, which casts doubt on the possibility of repair (or appropriate) – Apple, most likely, also will not repair them, but simply to withdraw the working mechanisms of defective or broken smart hours brought in for repair, giving in return a new gadget.
Based on the design, iFixit suggest that the previously unheard of ideas about a possible upgrade devices questionable. Most likely, the improvement of the gadget will be possible only through the purchase of a new device. Apple Watch Sport maintainability were rated 5 out of 10. The results are excellent for a device the company from Cupertino, especially against the background of the new MacBook.
APPLE WATCH disassembled
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