Monday, June 2, 2014

5 reasons to visit New Zealand this summer

Summer has arrived, and you still have not decided in what part of the world will go during the holidays? In this case, we recommend a visit to New Zealand and to give it five compelling reasons.

1. Take the pedestrian path on the unique Milford Track

New Zealand in general is famous for its scenery and hiking trails chic, but with an impressive centenary history Milford Track – a special song, «finest walk in the world». All thanks to Quentin McKinnon, back in 1888 to open a land path from Lake Te Anau to the famous New Zealand Milford Sound fjord. Defeat all 54 kilometers of this unique hiking trail – it certainly does not conquer Everest, but the adventure of exclusivity in the format of your summer vacation yet claiming.

Inquire about the possibility of passing the famous trails need to advance as wanting a lot, and a lump sum amount of tourists on the route is limited. And you are asked to pay a special fee of 750 dollars. Among the disadvantages as well – a huge amount of sand mosquitoes bite marks which will be a long time, “decorate” your emaciated body, and frequent rainfall – more than only in India, and that in some places. But among the advantages – the unique spirit of adventure and freedom, a rare opportunity to feel like a real explorer-discoverer and that such vistas.

2. See with your own eyes, “the eighth wonder of the world”

Such big words final paragraph tourist trail Milford Track, Milford Sound fjord, called himself Rudyard Kipling. This extremely attractive and picturesque fjord is considered as one of the most beautiful places not only in New Zealand, but also, perhaps, the world. The roots of such perfection to be found in a thick layer of dust covered the past: more than 20,000 years ago, the water flooded the Tasman Sea dvadtsatikilometrovaya bay occurred due to a convergence of the mountain glacier. Since ocean water here is actively mixed with fresh, diversity of flora and fauna for long given the green light. And yet there is the amazing waterfalls, constantly whispering about something big and important, sung by many famous guests of this fjord black corals and proudly towering over the water deadpan rock from a height where all the local beauty looks truly heavenly place, the last refuge of a tired city painful human life.

The tourist infrastructure is developed on the edge of the five-plus: your service and small camps and bikes for hire, and boat tours, during which you can feel the breath so close to the mountains cascading waterfalls that certainly will catch your. There is even a boat trip and underwater observatory.

3. Admire the marvelous sunset at Lake Pukaki

Let the name of this particular lake for tourist euphony of Slavic origin is different, it is a completely different bribes – a fantastic beautiful view that opens tourist every time when the solar disk disappears below the horizon. For more convenience, parking is located near the lake and an excellent viewing platform. The lake is clear, sky-blue tide, but in the light slowly fading rays converging at night rest sun gets very different color mood.

4. Conquer Mount Taranaki

This serenely gazes at the world around from a height of 2518 meters volcano has just two official names: in fact, Taranaki, which translated from the Maori language means “Brilliant Mountain”, as well as Mount Egmont – in honor of the First Lord of the British Admiralty Count Egmont, former inspirer and patron of the famous Captain Cook. Last Taranaki, looks very strong resemblance to another famous volcano – Mount Fuji, woke up in the XIX century. Perhaps that is why around the mountain is still a lot of rumors and legends, and the adjacent land considered sacred. By conviction natives of New Zealand, Maori, to awaken the sacred mountain can any human intervention, so it is best to bypass it though and insanely beautiful, but still a damn dangerous place party. In part, this explains the relatively sparsely populated and poorly developed tourist infrastructure neighborhoods Taranaki. However, local legends did not care about the descendants of Europeans and Americans. Lately, they have actively render habitable Volcano: built on its slopes ski resort, use the mountain for the filming of the popular Hollywood blockbusters. The film “The Last Samurai” with Tom Cruise – a vivid example.

Summer – the perfect time of year to conquer the mountain, as the ascent allowed this season. If you have to climb is not strong enough, we can restrict hiking in the surrounding area with local guides.

5. Stroll through the national park “Abel Tasman”

Reserves and parks in New Zealand a lot, but “Abel Tasman” only one. Despite the relatively modest area (226 square kilometers) and age (no park and 70 years), and not quite comfortable for tourist voyages location along the rocky seashore, “Abel Tasman” now that the decade becomes ultimate dream of every tourist who came on vacation in New Zealand. For tourists here, there are two travel itinerary: Coast Track and Inside Track. First sends a “free floating” on coastal cliffs and gorges; second, internal route, tourist places in much more extreme conditions: to overcome jungle, risking to get stuck in the swamps, of which there are not just a lot, but a lot. However, there is a third option, especially for those who like a nice alloys. Using the services of car rental company, you can arrange a wonderful journey through coastal waters on the cozy boat.

As for the park itself, then for sure you will fall in love at first sight with its beaches, which are pleasing to the eye is surprisingly clean white sand, and such cozy bays (romantics interesting). Lovers of all living creatures is a true paradise awaits, and if you – ornithologist, or even risk being left here a very long time on the basis of the opening to discover new species. Spend the night in the park will not work, but only 20 kilometers away, you can stay in the hotel of Motueka bearable.

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