Sunday, June 29, 2014

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Architectural trends almost always reflects the historical development of mankind. What can change in modern cities in the next 10-20 years?

Below are the most unusual and interesting architectural and design concepts that can enter into a trend in the near future.

1. Architectural trends – Hypnotic Bridge

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Why build boring concrete bridges, construction machinery if possible today allow you to create a truly amazing design? Company NEXT Architects proposed a very interesting design of the bridge through one of Chinese rivers. The structure consists of three separate crinkly footpaths outstretched over picturesque landscape.

The concept has won a national competition, and the bridge is already under construction.

2. Architectural trends – Rotating Skyscraper

Floors of the building subtly move – they make a complete rotation on its axis every 90 minutes. In addition, the skyscraper will be installed some powerful wind turbines that generate electricity for the tenants, and thanks to a special roomy elevators cars can be parked right at home.

While there is no information about when this skyscraper will be built and will be built there at all, but the concept looks impressive.

3. Architectural trends – Covered parks

14 architectural trends that could change the world

In November 2013 the Russian Institute “Arrow” announced the winner of a national design competition to create a public park “charge.” It turned out the company Diller Scofifio + Renfro, who introduced the concept in the style of “wild urbanism”, “hybrid landscape where nature and man-made constructions are combined to create a public space.”

The park will be divided into four natural regions: tundra, steppe, forest and marsh, each will have its own microclimate, so that even the fierce winter inside is the same temperature. In addition, simulation of the wind and declared the cycle of day and night.

4. Architectural trends -  The Invisible Architecture

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Invisible built associated with science fiction, but, fortunately, attempts to create such structures have now. Take at least South Korea and its “Tower of infinity”. According to recent reports, on the facade of the building will be located a few cameras that will send images of the world on monitors mounted in the wall.

However, there are concepts and simpler, and it is shown in this image. This wooden parallelogram completely covered reflective film is worth it, by the way, $ 5,000.

5. Architectural trends - “anti natural” forts

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Courtesy of Dionisio Gonzalez and Yusto / Giner Gallery

Briefly, in such buildings can hide and wait out a natural disaster. More about them can be found in our material .

6. Architectural trends -  “flasks” for skyscrapers

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Dubai skyscraper “Burj Khalifa” is primarily known as the tallest building in the world. It is unique in itself, but there is a project that can make the building more interesting. Invited to “dress” skyscraper in a flask made ​​of reflective materials.

These materials, by the way, is very light and translucent. And their reflective properties to transform the building into a giant mirror.

7. Architectural trends -  Ecobuilding

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Since the houses are on the street, why not turn them into something useful for environmental ecology or people? They could, for example, to absorb oxygen and generate carbon dioxide. That’s how the company sees the building of the future AZPA. There want to turn the German power plant in Wedel Vatterfall giant green source of clean air. You need to cover all surfaces of plants.

8. Architectural trends - Recyclable tower

14 architectural trends that could change the world

This is a project to create structures of fungi, which can then be dismantled and recycled. More information – in our separate article .

9. Architectural trends -  Imprinted on the 3D-printer interiors

3D-printers, more and more are beginning to be used in construction. It is fast, convenient and less expensive. For example, the draft Digital Grotesque two such printer printed the whole room (area – 16 sq. m.), Decorated with ornaments Cathedral.

According to the creators of the project, they want to create a type of architecture that would defy reductionism.

10. Architectural trends -  “Floating” Pools

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Project Family and PlayLab, which collects build a giant filtration system in the muddy waters between Manhattan and Brooklyn in New York City. If all goes as planned, the final design will be 55 m in length and have the shape of the pool.

In late 2013, we launched a campaign to raise funds on Kickstarter, which was crowned with success – have been collected $ 275,000 of the requested $ 250,000. Launch is scheduled this summer.

11. Architectural trends -  Inflatable concert halls

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Outside they look like giant purple donuts, and inside – for seashells. But they were created to serve musicians could have concerts. Called “donuts» Ark Nova, and they were invented by the legendary British sculptor Anish Kapoor Arata Isozaki and a Japanese woman after the earthquake in Japan and floods in 2011.

12. Architectural trends - Wooden skyscrapers

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Although white wooden skyscrapers not amaze as rotating, they still look interesting. They can become a reality thanks to the Scandinavians of CF Møller Architects. The draft is very high, made ​​of wood skyscrapers they have already won a national competition.

13. Architectural trends -  Sponge Parks

14 architectural trends that could change the world

All Americans know that the Gowanus Canal, which is located in New York City, full of toxic substances, and the water is so dirty that the bad smell is heard for many meters. But an interesting project called Sponge Park, can turn fetid swamp almost a key source. In addition, it will look very cool.

It is proposed to erect a system of “landscape buffer” which, like sponges, soaking up to uncleanness before they fall into the water.

14. Architectural trends -  “Glass Forest”

14 architectural trends that could change the world

Project by MAD Architects proposes to erect in the center of Beijing series of buildings that would be integrated into the surrounding natural landscape. Familiarize yourself with all the features of the concept can be in our material .

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