Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kidney Stones: Causes of education, treatment, diet

Kidney stones – the most common kidney disease, often it is called urolithiasis. When the disease occurs in urine accumulation of dissolved salts, which leads to the formation of kidney stones, which are a mixture of minerals with organic substances. Stones can be single or multiple, their size from 1 mm to 10-12 cm from the kidney stones may move into the ureter and bladder. The most common cause of kidney stones is called a metabolic disorder. Although the exact cause is still not fully established. Education first appear small, up to 3 mm, often called sand. If you do not take measures to timely diagnosis and prevention, after a certain time is required treatment for kidney stones or folk remedies using traditional medicine. If they are formed in the urogenital system, it urolithiasis bolezn.Esli directly in the kidney, we speak of nephrolithiasis.

Causes of kidney stones

The main reason that affects the formation of kidney stones, it is considered wrong metabolism. Particularly strong influence on their appearance changes in the chemical and water-salt metabolism. Nevertheless, the role of precipitating factors also act:

- Hereditary predisposition.

- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system (peptic ulcer, colitis, gastritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.).

- Violations of the functions of parathyroid glands.

- Diseases of the bones or injuries.

- Prolonged dehydration associated with poisoning or infectious pathologies.

- Deficiency of vitamin D.

- Misuse of products that increase the acidity of urine (acidic, spicy, salty food).

- Use for drinking hard water, which contains excess salts.

- The geographical factor. People living in a hot climate zone, the likelihood of kidney stones is much higher than that of those who live in cooler.

- Shortage of ultraviolet rays.

Kidney Stones – Symptoms

Symptoms may not be detected until until crystals begin to move. If they have sharp points, they begin to irritate and cause its inflammation. Often detected during a routine medical examination by ultrasound. Or when an attack happens urolithiasis.

Urolithiasis Symptoms depend on where the stones are located: in the kidney, ureter, or bladder

Symptoms of kidney stones location

1. Backaches, worse shaking, exertion

2. If the stone is in the kidney and obstructs the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis, the symptoms of kidney stones can be: attack of renal colic, nausea, vomiting, fever, cold sweat.

Symptoms at the location in the ureter

1. Pain in the genital area or groin

2. Frequent urination

Symptoms at the location in the bladder

1. Irritation and inflammation of the bladder mucosa

2. Painful and frequent urination

3. Bleeding badly hurt if the stones mucosa.

Typically, urolithiasis has not gone unnoticed and is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region. Usually they exhausting and blunt appear on one or both sides, are amplified during exercise or even when the body position.All this is one of the most typical symptoms of having kidney stones. When the stones fall into the ureter, the pain is felt in the abdomen, in the genitals and groin. After a strong pain attack they can get out with the urine. A person may not know they are suffering from urolithiasis. Stones whose size is 3-4 mm, can get into the ureters, causing excruciating pain. This can result in a painful shock and loss of consciousness.

The first advice in any doubt as to the status and fuyktsii kidney will pass regular inspection and examination by a nephrologist or urologist. It is to these skilled therapist directs all who were found in violation of urinalysis or complaints of pain in the lumbar region with positive renal symptoms.

What are kidney stones in urolithiasis

Urate stones are formed in people with highly acidic urine.

Oxalate stones – the most common, found in 85% of the population. Oxalates often affect adherents of a healthy lifestyle, because they occur at fans of citrus juices, tomatoes, carrots, beets and vitamin complexes, especially ascorbic acid.

Phosphate stones – this type often found in older vegetarians.

Carbonate rocks. This species also formed in alkaline urine

Other stones: cystine, xanthine, protein, cholesterol. They are quite rare.

Diagnosis of Kidney Stones

Before prescribe treatment, the doctor for an accurate diagnosis of kidney diseases necessarily prescribe laboratory tests of blood and urine. It was determined in assays more salts of a particular type. This allows you to diagnose the type of stones.

Another popular way to diagnose – renal ultrasound. The method does not require special preparation of the patient and can detect the location of a solid education.

If using ultrasound kidney failed to find anything, but there is a suspicion for the presence of stones before treatment was more specific survey, which will tell you about at a reception at the nephrologist.


Diet for kidney stones plays a very important role in recovery. Features recommended power depends primarily on the type of stone and the reasons that caused urolithiasis in each individual case. Diet for kidney stones should be excluded from patient food products that cause the growth and formation of new kidney stones. In the treatment of diet as a basis for taking the fact that all the stones are divided into two groups: alkaline (phosphates and carbonates) and acid (urate and oxalate). Depending on this, the doctor will determine the products that can and can not. General advice would be: excluded from the diet foods that contain excessive amounts of oxalic acid: green vegetables (parsley, celery, sorrel, kale, spinach), beets, radishes, rhubarb, currants, nuts, legumes, figs, gooseberries, chocolate. Besides, it is not recommended to consume milk and milk products: milk, yogurt, yogurt and cheeses. Calcium contained therein reacts with oxalic acid, leading to kidney stones. Also, do not eat spicy food, because it increases the acidity of urine, causing kidney stones are formed much faster.
You should drink plenty of fluids to urine was concentrated, and as prophylaxis can be once a week fasting, using only boiled water. Besides, there are recommended avocados, bananas, fish and seafood, as they contain a lot of magnesium and vitamin B6. They contribute to the reduction of the salt content of oxalic acid in the blood.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Treatment in three directions:

1. Removing stones.

2. Warning their reformation.

3. Joined Freedom from infection.

Disease is treated with surgical and conservative methods. Conservative therapy involves the use of special drugs and compliance with certain diets, when the stones are small. In modern medicine, used tools, dissolves stones, but their application is possible only under the strict supervision of the urologist. If the inflammatory process has begun, usually with antibiotics.

Surgical treatment – a surgical procedure aimed at removing stones. It applies crushing kidney stones electromagnetic waves, laser or direct operational extraction.

Popular treatment of kidney stones involves receiving infusions and decoctions of herbs and certain diets, helps get rid of the disease.

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