Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The most expensive in the world of U.S. health care system is recognized by the Americans the worst among developed countries

U.S. health care system for the fifth time in a row called the worst in comparison with other developed countries. Although the annual expenditure on health in the United States account for more than 8500 dollars per capita, state medical care continues to cede most developed countries on key indicators, Time magazine writes with reference to The Common Wealth Fund.

The study evaluated the health systems of 11 countries on three parameters – “efficiency, equity and result.” As explained in the report, for the efficiency ratio is taken health care costs and quality of services, and by equality implies the availability of services to various segments of the population, regardless of their sex, age and economic status.

The report highlights that the low rate of the parameter of “equality” in the United States is the lack of compulsory health insurance, which is in other developed countries. “It is no wonder that the U.S. is lagging behind in terms of equality of service for the population with different levels of income,” – the report says. In addition, Americans are more likely to say the nations that do not receive the necessary medical care due to its high cost.

Low efficiency index also predictable, given that the cost of healthcare in the U.S. is approximately two times higher than in the other 10 countries. Relatively high marks American health care received only in some categories, such as “preventive treatment” and “time-out specialist.”

Recall that in the new U.S. health care reform in order to slow the rising cost of medical services provided in 2013. It is also planned to give the opportunity to get health insurance 48 million Americans who are not provided by the employer, and to ensure that private health insurance system meet the required criteria.

However, the beginning of the reform was a failure on the background of what Kathleen Sebelius, who served as Minister of Health, the United States since 2009, filed in April 2014 resigned. In June, the U.S. Senate approved as the new Minister of Health, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, which will continue the implementation of the law on the reform of the health system, nicknamed Obamacare.

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