Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to conceive twins: folk and traditional method

Birth of a child in a healthy and stable family – a real and sincere joy. However, some parents are willing to do two at once, for a variety of reasons. Someone just really wants twins and haunt someone thinking that in this case the period of dirty diapers and even harder to be doubled, but will do without repeats.

How to conceive twins, tell many folk beliefs and traditions. Has its secrets and modern medicine-advanced forward in the field of gynecology in the last few years. Parents who want to ensure that you receive the twins need to know them and possibly use in practice.

Folk Remedies

Naturally, the methods in which the woman’s head should be turned to the north, objects in the room are placed on Feng Shui, and the man to the ears should be tied bells – it’s certainly outside the scheme. Should not even try them – a conception will be no different from the usual. Although large originals, eager to find a way to diversify sex life, these techniques may love.

Folk remedies for conceiving twins recommend taking a woman as much as possible of food containing vitamin B9. This – red fish, liver, carrots, bean plants. They consulted wishing to become pregnant two children immediately before the moment it was known that such vitamins. Indeed, such a diet during a woman feels a significant rise of forces, which has a positive effect on the possibility of carrying a child.

Those who want to learn how to conceive twins, will be a useful source of information about the Carpathian Chorgiv, near the village of Red Kopatnya. Family living there are known almost complete absence of children born alone, without brother or twin sister.

Science and medicine

Conceive twins, the assurances of doctors is much easier if a woman’s body contains large amounts of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). You can achieve the desired level after brief reception preparations containing it (which is usually prescribed to restore regular ovulation cycle). There is a chance that the uterus gets simultaneously two ripe and ready to conceive egg.

However, it should be understood that and folk remedies, and medical technology will not give one hundred percent probability of conceiving two children at once. Those who are eager to have twins it should seek the services of in vitro fertilization: taking several eggs at once and placing them in the womb, doctors increase the chance of having twins several times.

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