Monday, February 17, 2014

The Mayor of Florence is going to become the new Prime Minister of Italy

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Monday gave the mandate to form a new Italian government of Florence Mayor Matteo Renzi, reports La Stampa .

Taking on the responsibility for the creation of a new cabinet, Renzi, who, as the IL Sle 24 Ore , local sometimes styled “Italian Obama,” said the promises “to the president, representatives of all political forces and all Italians who have witnessed crisis” attach ” all the courage and strength “to normalize the situation in the country.

Renzi today intends to begin consultations on the composition of the Cabinet, and on Thursday, if all goes well, it should give the oath. And on Friday and Saturday he will enlist the help of two chambers of parliament.

National Secretary of the Democratic Party, 39-year-old Renzi considered very ambitious politician, representative of a new generation, a supporter of radical changes. Coming from a family of regional politician Tiziano Renzi, the future mayor at school became interested in this area. In 1999 he graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Florence.

Evaluation of Renzi as mayor of Florence is ambiguous. But without exception, recognize its effectiveness and determination, ITAR-TASS reported. So, by his order was completely blocked traffic in downtown arts, even for public transport and taxis.

Renzi launched a national campaign on the eve of parliamentary elections in February 2013, taking a course on a full update guide voey party. However, to lead the party was not immediately apparent. On intra-election, when the candidate was determined by the Prime Minister at the February vote in the second round he lost Pierluigi Bersani. As a result, Bersani led the DP in an election that ended in defeat for the party actually. After a series of personal setbacks Bersani resigned. Renzi was elected as the new Secretary-general DP Congress December 8, 2013.

Renzi led Florence, his hometown (he was born in the suburbs, in Rignano sul Arno), since 2009, and now he will have to leave the post of mayor.

Enrico Letta predecessor Renzo, who stayed on as head of the government less than a year, formally resigned late last week. In this position he is known, has replaced the odious Silvio Berlusconi, who in fact provoked another crisis , in September when his call five ministers, members of the “People of Freedom”, left the Cabinet at the call of their leader – Berlusconi.

According to local media, he expressed his support for the candidacy of it as a future prime minister Renzi.

The Mayor of Florence is going to become the new Prime Minister of Italy

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