Monday, February 17, 2014

In Nigeria militants "Boko Haram" attacked the village, killing more than 100 people

In northeastern Nigeria in the village in the state of Borno in the attack gunmen killed 106 people, according to the British telekorporatsiya BBC referring to a member of Parliament, Ali Ndume.

The attack happened on Saturday about five o’clock.According to eyewitnesses, the first of about 100 armed men arrived on motorcycles and trucks, demanded that the gathered men who live in the village. They then surrounded by about 30 gathered and shot them, and then began to break into the house and kill the locals.

According to witnesses the massacre, some of the victims were shot, cut the throats of the other attackers. Moreover, the villagers have not yet removed the corpses lying in the street for fear of further attacks by militants, reports Reuters.

Authorities said the attack suspected militants of the radical Islamist group “Boko Haram.” Earlier, militants attacked the city in the state of Borno Konduga, during which killed 39 people.

“Boko Haram” (translated from Hausa language as “Western education – sin”) – Nigerian radical Islamist group. Gained notoriety after its leader Mohammed Yusuf became, executed Nigerian authorities in 2009. The main objective of the organization – the introduction of Sharia throughout Nigeria and the eradication of Western lifestyle.

Islamists for several years actually waging a war against the government, attacking the objects associated with the army and police, as well as cracking down with the elders and religious leaders.

In Nigeria militants "Boko Haram" attacked the village, killing more than 100 people

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