Smartphone Lumia 735 was announced as early as last September, under the brand name Nokia, but never made it to the United States. It has already appeared rumors about leaving the phone in the US market in versions from Sprint and Verizon.
Despite the fact that Microsoft has removed the official page of the smartphone with the American version of the site, it seems that the Lumia 735 still appear in the United States. The Twitter-account American division Lumia has an image has not yet announced the device operator Verizon. Smartphone looks exactly like the Lumia 735, but instead received a Nokia logo brand Gnehm Microsoft and Verizon. Himself Twitter post talked about a new application Spectrum Analyzer and was soon removed.
The smartphone has a 4.7-inch display with a resolution of 1280 × 720 pixels, 400 Snapdragon chipset, 1 GB RAM, 6.7-megapixel camera with lens from Carl Zeiss, and 5-megapixel front camera. Lumia 735 is also able to work in networks of LTE.
Smartphone Nokia Lumia 735 will restart under the brand Microsoft
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