It is not often on the market of modern electronic devices appear all kinds of bags, packaging bags. Suitcase Bluesmart – a pleasant exception to the rule, as it is one of the first members of the family with the prefix «smart» suitcase Bluesmart. Solve mathematical problems and make “self” cannot, will not provide the opportunity to other device in a long trip.
Americans have created a “smart” suitcase Bluesmart
The main drawback of all the mobile devices is still a fact that they sit down. Suitcase new generation suitcase Bluesmart can solve this problem, thanks to a built-in battery. Are three of them and they are located in the back wall of the bag. Each of them can fully charge two to three tablet or smartphone. In the long journeys such energy source is simply irreplaceable.
Another important advantage suitcase Bluesmart is that this suitcase – a real fortress. In addition to “classical” encryption lock in a suitcase, there is also a magnetic lock which closes with the command from your smartphone. Open it – almost impossible, in any case, without damaging the bag. The latter, however, is quite difficult to do, since suitcase Bluesmart made of heavy-duty synthetic fabric.
Protects suitcase contents not only from damage but also from the high and low temperature, moisture, water and dust. To strengthen protection measures can also activate the GPS monitoring, which will track the smartphone exactly where the suitcase. This function will always help to find missing and will be an unpleasant surprise for unpretentious thief.
Finally we should mention about that in front of the bag has special tight and well-protected pockets for mobile devices, tablets, smartphones and laptops. The cost of this “miracle” is only 265 US dollars. Now suitcase Bluesmart in start-up stage. If the creators will be able to raise the necessary funds, he will be on sale in August 2015.
Americans have created a "smart" suitcase Bluesmart
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