July 18 user named wowforreeel posted on YouTube a video that showed a discovery made by the author. Studying pictures of the Moon, laid out in Google Moon - interactive map of the lunar surface, which is based on a large number of images of the satellite Earth taken NASA, – he found a strange image that resembles a human figure.
Scientists and skeptics believe that it is only the shadow of one of the many boulders on the lunar surface or defect of the lens, which makes the picture, but web users disagree with them. In their view, this object can be as alien silhouette and shadow of a giant statue, like the Colossus of Rhodes, adorned port of the Greek island and destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 226 BC, – judging by the roller, the length of the shadow of more than a few hundred meters.
Four weeks video watched by more than three million people, but disputes that it is there shown, still does not stop.
This is not the first time that Internet users “find” on the surface of other planets, aliens, or signs of intelligent life. So, in April ufologists excitedly discussing unusual glow fixed on Mars apparatus Curiosity. In July, the new portion of images from Curiosity added fuel to the fire – were published pictures in which was seen a bright moving object. A year ago on Mars also “found” a flying bird and other artifacts.
In turn, the site Examiner offers another explanation: it is likely that all of these findings – the result pareydolii, variety of visual illusions, which, for example, allow a person to “see” the outlines of people and animals in passing clouds or patterns on a wooden board.
Internet users have found a stranger on Google-maps of the Moon (VIDEO)
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