Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Of EA at the exhibition Gamescom 2014 nobody expected special revelation. However, many gamers were hoping that they will show new footage from the highly anticipated Mass Effect 4, Mirrors Edge 2 or even a new game franchise Star Wars.

The conference began with the presentation of role-playing game Dragon Age Inquisition.Players can create their own character from a million different elements, settings, perks and abilities. Everyone can make a completely unique character. Developers show tactical gameplay, traveling through a huge game world, and much more. The game should go on sale this fall for consoles and PCs.

It should be noted that the conference EA “Stream” with constant interruptions. Something went wrong and online viewers had for a few minutes to watch the same repeating units as technicians tried to fix the problem EA.

Next it was the turn of the shooter Titanfall, or rather – the new additions to it.

NHL 15, no doubt, will please fans of hockey. Completely revised physical model, the most realistic viewers who now behave independently of each other (9000 unique viewers are simultaneously present in the stands), the famous sports commentators have recorded their voices and even unique video for the game.

Came the turn to create characters for the next The Sims. Developers show the gaming world, the buildings, the environment, the interaction between the characters and much more. Demo version of The Sims 4 is available starting today. You can download it on the official website of EA.

Free football game FIFAWORLD, that EA Canada has developed primarily for residents of Brazil, Russia and CIS countries, is moving to a new graphics engine and continues to evolve. Will be improved artificial intelligence, new players, teams and the various elements to fine-tune the appearance of players.

FIFA 15 once again demonstrates a significant improvement over the previous games of this popular sports series.

The online universe Star Wars: The Old Republic under the leadership of EA continues to grow in all directions.

New game in the genre MOBA Dawngate looks, in my opinion, is quite bleak. Alpha version of the game will soon be available for European players.

And here is the long-awaited new game from the studio Bioware. It will be named Shadow Realms and talk about the opposition of demonic creatures and people, endowed with superhuman abilities. Of course, it will be MMORPG, and sign up to participate in the alpha testing of the game you can now on the official website of EA.

Game Battlefield: Hardline was significantly modified in accordance with the requirements of the players who participated in the alpha testing stage of the project in early summer.Developers have shown a piece of the story of the game, which looks quite interesting.

At the end of the conference audience demonstrate cutting of video games just shown games. Viewers, and I’m including, feel a slight disappointment due to the fact that they did not show the new Mass Effect. But in general, the EA was in his repertoire.

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