Sharks – a serious threat to a large number of beaches, where every day going out hundreds and thousands of people. Despite the fact that against these sea creatures are trying to take different kinds of countermeasures, all of them, as practice shows, are not sufficient. Frankly, when it comes to safety, no measures can not be redundant, because the more reliable – the better.
The company’s engineers Optus created a device that received no intricate name Clever Buoy, which translates to English as “smart buoy”. As the name implies, the new device – buoy is not very different in appearance from most other marine buoys to indicate depth. The difference is that Clever Buoy – is not just a marker, but also a dedicated device capable of tracking sharks.
Watching sea predators Clever Buoy using sonar. The device is able to distinguish between the various marine life so never confuse a school of fish with the approaching shark. Once Clever Buoy pinpoint sonar sea predator, he immediately sends information manager with the picture nautical chart. If the threat is real – and the operator commands the buoy emits an alarm.
If for some reason the operator ignored messages buoy or simply signaled a shark continues to move in a dangerous direction for the people, will signal buoy yourself with will focus on the fact that the shark be close.
Experts from Optus believe that every beach with sharks worth installing on more than one device, depending on the length of the beach. Put Clever Buoy stands for dangerous depth direction. So that in the case of capturing sharks approach, swimmers and let people was not large, but sufficient time for it to leave the water.
Smart buoy rescue from shark
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