Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Global crisis comes on the heels again?

Interesting take on a new global financial crisis, which is projected to start in April 2015 has proved a finance professor Swiss business school Arturo Bris.

According to the professor, there are eight factors or reasons that may determine the onset of the crisis.

1. The stock market bubble was formed. To return to the level of actual historical estimates, markets must be corrected in the range of 30-35%.

2. Chinese crisis in the banking system. China’s economy may well slow down in the shadow banking system crisis in the credit sector. This, in turn, will affect the global economy.

3. Struggle for energy markets. Today the United States defend its position as a supplier of oil and gas to world markets. Naturally, this provokes a rise in tensions in geopolitics.

4. Bubbles in real estate sector. Canada, China, Germany and Brazil were in serious risk.

5. Credit ratings and creditworthiness poor. In America, there are only company that with confirmed at AAA rating. If the ratings reflect reality, then levered company awaits imminent bankruptcy.

6. Hot spots. Meaning the situation in Ukraine, which is considered as a war.

7. Social stratification and poverty. Growing gap between the layers of the population.

8. Financial system liquidity is oversaturated. This liquidity is moving in a relatively closed loop sector finance. Functions lending actually went to hedge funds and investment companies, after measures to tighten banking supervision. And this is the trouble the U.S. market by the securities.

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