Monday, February 17, 2014

Microsoft and Nokia will be friends with Android. But will it help them?

“Crazy” idea to make friends with the iPhone and Android, extended the previous week Steve Wozniak, was taken seriously by few. Most users, alas, are so accustomed to infallibility steady over the past fifteen years, the boundaries between the platforms that are too lazy to strain your brain, even for imaginary violations. Well, as it turns out now, for lazy people, it was not the last chance to turn his head, and for fans to build a deductive chain – not the least pleasant puzzle. Because friends with “android” now has a Microsoft. And it’s not “stuffing” from outside in general, human, and a series of leaks from the walls of the company.

So, the facts. First – from knowledgeable people within Nokia (not yet consolidated with Microsoft, but the final integration in March) – became aware of plans that once mobile giant number one imagine a series of smartphones running Android. Their main feature, besides the operating system will be the price: it all – low-end models, focused on competition with the cheapest Android-phones. Demonstration held February 24 at the conference Mobile World Congress.

And almost immediately surfaced second informal news very close properties: Microsoft is preparing guidance to resolve launch Android-applications in MS Windows, and as a mobile version of the system, and stationary. Technically realizable task, because basically – everything except a set of Google Mobile Services (GMS), – Android is free, it can be modified to integrate with Windows or draw application assistant (remember how it plans to make Intel and AMD, see ” More – is better? “).

The creators of Windows Phone proud third place in the global ranking, but figures it looks horrific. During the last quarter of last year (including Christmas holidays), even unlicensed “androids” (meaning without GMS) was sold seven times more than “vindofonov.”

The creators of Windows Phone proud third place in the global ranking, but figures it looks horrific. During the last quarter of last year (including Christmas holidays), even unlicensed “androids” (meaning without GMS) was sold seven times more than “vindofonov.”

Summing up, we can say that what could be done, but did Apple, decided to implement the code in silicon and Microsoft. The reasons which have pushed her to do so, almost word for word the same.

First, cheap smartphones should let her cling to poor developing markets, with recent rules unchallenged Nokia with its Symbian, and now the same is governed by Android. No stranger OSes Nokia and Microsoft do not turn this lump: Windows Phone is too demanding on the hardware and nokievskaya budget Asha functionally defective and unable to provide the basis for a full-fledged smartphone.

Second, Microsoft will bind to itself part of developers and users of ecosystem Android. Google, of course, will not give the software giant access to their app store and services (more on this below), so you have to build your own ann-Sided or allocate space in Windows-based stores, put your cards, mail, search engine. Fortunately, Microsoft has a name, and services and facilities to make such a substitution of quality.

Thirdly, maykrosoftovskih “Android” may seem interesting customers “clean” version of Google. Mobile devices, following the principle of “two in one” (at least for now) are considered promising. So why take the usual Android-smartphone, if for the same money you can get a machine that runs more and Windows-based applications? In addition, Microsoft more strictly moderated Windows Phone Store, which may make it less chaotic and dangerous alternative to Google Play.

Understandably, Microsoft decided it is not a good life. Publicly twist tricks with archrival bad for the image. Even worse, for more than seven billion dollars it goes, the production received only useless mobiles: Nokia brand buyers or uninteresting in itself, nor the load with Windows Phone. And the acquisition of Nokia now looks not just expensive and pointless expensive deal. But makes sense friendship with Android.

Meanwhile, Apple put forth at least two new puzzles. Became known that the company’s senior management met last spring with Elon Musk, and now wondering whether Apple was looking for a replacement Jobs, whether planned work on devices for vehicles, if not, maybe eyeing Tesla Motors. And it became known that she was probably working on a device for measuring blood pressure and prevent heart attacks that reanimates the old dream of “smart watches» iWatch.

Meanwhile, Apple put forth at least two new puzzles. Became known that the company’s senior management met last spring with Elon Musk, and now wondering whether Apple was looking for a replacement Jobs, whether planned work on devices for vehicles, if not, maybe eyeing Tesla Motors. And it became known that she was probably working on a device for measuring blood pressure and prevent heart attacks that reanimates the old dream of “smart watches» iWatch.

Lack of interest in Windows Phone for Microsoft shockingly new. She used her products snapped up like hotcakes, and the cheaper they gave, the more there was a demand. Even pirates worked for her! It was enough to not interfere with foot traffic unlicensed copies in a particular region – and five years later it is possible to take lukewarm users who “got hooked on the needle,” effective demand generated.

Windows Mobile is now no demand either developed or developing countries. But “Android”, yet mostly mobile already rubs skis for expansion on home desk, and from there straight to the office. So wait longer and Microsoft (still like self) Nokia can not, the relationship should be built with Android right now. Another issue that they may not be long-term. Friendship is supposed to last just long enough for the software giant was able to cling to the budget segment, to make his name there – which then drag exploiting customers on Windows Phone. Approximately as does Apple, host newcomers to the mobile iOS and drag them on OS X.

Tragically, Android «played» Microsoft is unlikely to be complete and hassle-free replacement for Google release OS. We now know exactly what conditions puts Google producers wishing to obtain full, “licensed” version of the system – with access to Google Play and other services Google release (this document leaked in the trial between Google and Oracle). Vendor claiming to be the full version, undertakes, in particular, to distribute all of the standard Google applications without exception, placing key applications as close as possible to the main screen, to submit to Google, if that penalizes the projected unit even before the release, and so n .

Hence it is clear that the slightest chance from Microsoft and Nokia do not: they will never get official permission to use the full version of Android. And if some of Googley set they can replace their own services (already mentioned search, maps, etc.), and that is something they can not replace. The problem is that many Android-applications depend on the functions implemented in the GMS: so, for example, work in-app purchases – almost the most important source of revenue development. Accordingly, maykrosoftovskih “android” purchase of applications will not be available – or organized differently. And it will exacerbate an already unenviable position of how Microsoft is already in the role of pursuer – five, seven, ten years?

Microsoft and Nokia will be friends with Android. But will it help them?

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