In cold chapped lips dry – one of the most common problems. Use chapstick or balm really helps, but it is not the only way to avoid cracking and chapping. If the problem has already occurred, it is necessary to act quickly, and then you will be our advice.
Environmental impact is very high when it comes to such a delicate body parts like lips. Most major problems: dry air and temperature. Most often cracked lips in winter, but the heat can also cause loss of moisture, which makes the skin soft and smooth lips.
The habit of licking his lips can also cause problems because the enzymes in saliva, causing dry lips.
The habit of licking his lips can also cause problems because the enzymes in saliva, causing dry lips. Also dryness or cracking can cause certain medications, so if you get treatment, find out whether such drugs have side effects .
If you are determined to deal with cracks and dryness of the lips, should start with exfoliation, then all subsequent hydration goes to food healthy cells, and not get stuck on dead tissue. If you suffer from painful deep cracks, peeling procedure may cause discomfort, but it is a necessary step.
The easiest way to exfoliate the skin of the lips – rub it with a damp toothbrush. It is important that the brush was not too tough, and movement – not rude.
Will benefit lips and other simple recipes.
Brown sugar and olive oil. Mix a small amount of these ingredients to a paste and then apply on the lips and gently massage in circular motions.
Cereal and low-fat cottage cheese. Grind flakes mixed with curd and apply on lips massaging motion.
Here’s what else peels lip can be made at home:
- Coffee grounds mixed with yogurt or sour cream;
- Mix honey and baking soda;
- Mix honey and semolina;
- Mix fine salt and cream;
- Small mix sugar, cinnamon and grape seed oil.
Honey and without the addition of other ingredients can be an excellent peeling (better to choose a little candied). In addition, it not only removes dead skin cells, but also nourishes lips thanks to its beneficial properties – but more on that later.
If the cracks on the lips are too big, and even bleed if there are sores on the lips or herpes-like peelings can not use.
Even an ordinary wrap with warm water can help restore lost moisture lips, but if the lips are in poor condition, it is better to resort to more powerful, such as natural oils. Best mix castor, linseed, coconut and olive oil and apply a few drops of this oil on the lips. The gel of aloe vera moisturizes lips and excellent excellent heals cracks, but the deep wounds it should not be applied.
Do not forget to apply a moisturizer during the day and always before bedtime.
Honey, which we have already said – a great antiseptic , which has an even and moisturizing properties. If you mix it with a drop of glycerin and orange juice, you will get a great tool for deep moisturizing. However, do not use orange juice in the cracks on the lips.
Do not forget to apply a moisturizer during the day and always before bedtime.
Masks Lip good that literally easily prepared from readily available products that always have each family. Prepared quickly, easily applied, and the effect is noticeable and evident almost immediately.
Here are some recipes home masks.
Grind into mush favorite fruit (apple, apricot or banana) and mix with half a teaspoon of butter. Apply to the lips for a few minutes (15-20), rinse with water.
Also for the masks can be mixed:
cottage cheese and cream;
cottage cheese and grated carrot;
carrot juice and olive oil;
sour cream, honey and orange pulp.
Apply the mask on the lips need to capture – about half a centimeter going beyond the contour.
The best way to speed the healing of cracks – avoid contact with irritants. Acid of food, especially of fresh citrus juice, may cause discomfort as well as spicy foods. Other stimuli, which are best avoided: toothpaste, cosmetics and even saliva, if you do not get rid of the habit of licking his lips.
Sometimes correctly picked balm may be the best solution to the problem of dryness and cracking lips. Do not use products containing camphor, better to choose organic balms, they are less irritating to the skin and better help from dryness.
Sometimes correctly picked balm may be the best solution to the problem of dryness and cracking lips.
Also a good choice would be to use funds with panthenol and lanolin, but if your lips are too sensitive, start with natural remedies. And do not forget to choose products that provide maximum protection from the sun .
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