Friday, May 2, 2014

Petrol turned greener biofuel from corn

According to scientists, in the production of biofuels from corn emits 7% more greenhouse gases than using gasoline. That is the conclusion reached by researchers following a series of experiments to order the U.S. federal government.

Recall, U.S. President Barack Obama has a policy of expanding areas of biofuels, as it is considered more environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment than conventional fuels.

The main task that was set before him researchers was to study the amount of emissions of carbon dioxide in the production of biofuels from corn (leaves, stalks, cobs). Studies were conducted in all 12 states “Corn Belt” of the USA.

As a result of experiments, scientists agreed that the amount released into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the production of biofuels is little different from that obtained by using gasoline. At the same time, the researchers note that biofuels remains the safest form of fuel for the environment, but its production does not meet the standards set by the government from 2007 to renewable fuels. These standards spelled out the rule that the amount of greenhouse gases in the production of biofuels should be 60% less than using gasoline.

The results of these studies have been criticized by a number of interested companies, including DuPont. Its members pay attention to the fact that the object of study was the extreme model of the production of biofuels. They argue that in reality for such a model will not be able to stick to any one manufacturer.

Recall that DuPont has invested $ 200 million in the construction of a plant for the production of biofuels in Nevada.

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