Friday, May 30, 2014

NATO offer fully exclude Russia from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Alliance for the incorporation of the Crimea

Nearly two months after the Parliamentary Assembly (PA ) has stopped NATO cooperation with the Russian parliament due to the annexation of Crimea , PA Chairman Hugh Bailey considered that these measures are not sufficient , and offered completely exclude Russia from the NATO Parliamentary Assembly , where Russian was listed as an associated member of the organization , reports Delfi.

Bailey said this at the spring session opens, PA , held in Lithuania. ” We must condemn the fact that Russia annexed the Crimea – is unacceptable , because it is interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine – said Bailey. – We believe that Russia’s membership in NATO PA should be stopped .

According to policy , NATO , apparently , is not enough to react to the situation around the Crimea, and the Allies should ” draw conclusions from the fact that Russia has done , how it behaves , and think more about the architecture of Euro-Atlantic security .”

He stressed, however , that the ways of cooperation remain free. ” I’m not saying that we should shut the doors to Russia – our doors are always open . But not now ,” – said Bailey , speaking at a press conference in Vilnius

NATO symbols

Recall that in 1994 was formed Russian parliamentary delegation to NATO PA . Having the status of an associate member , the delegation had the right to speak , to amend the resolutions, declarations and other documents of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly , participate in the discussion , but did not have the right to vote.

April 5 NATO Parliamentary Assembly ceased formal cooperation with Russia , which means that the ban on further participation of the Russian parliament in PA activities .

Add that on May 30 , a Friday , in Vilnius started a three-day spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly . The event was attended by more than 600 guests – parliamentarians from 28 NATO members , associate members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly , regional partners , delegations from the European Parliament , representatives of various international organizations , reports “Interfax”.

Bailey , speaking at the opening ceremony , assured that in the 12 years since the first organized in Vilnius, Lithuania PA session made ​​a great contribution in promoting reform of NATO. Chairman of the Lithuanian delegation to NATO PA Andrius Mazuronis expressed the hope that the NATO PA will help at least one step closer membership of one of the four candidates – Georgia, which , in his opinion , meets the requirements of membership.

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