Saturday, May 24, 2014


London startup ROLI introduced the world to the amazing musical instrument of its own design.The Seaboard GRAND piano is a monolithic structure on whose surface there is no black or white keys. In fact – the entire surface of the instrument is sensitive to touch one button.

Device remotely resembles the piano and on the surface there is a bulge that its shaped like keys, familiar to every musician. However, these keys do not work quite the way we all used to.

Each key is a pressure sensitive distinguish different degrees of pressure on her. Plus, you can create unusual sound vibrations, holding down and gently moving your finger from side to side. Something like that usually do guitarists when moved slightly clamped string along the neck up and down to change the sound.

Multi-touch surface The Seaboard GRAND covered durable rubberized material that does not break with frequent use and will allow electronic sensors clearly feel your every touch of the instrument. From the side of the piano really looks very stylish and unusual, if it came to us from the future.

The invention is so interested in different music companies that startup only 1 day had invested about 12.8 million dollars. This is one of the largest investments in start-music company, which once again demonstrates the uniqueness of the product.

CEO Roland Lamb ROLI long studied classical Chinese philosophy and Sanskrit at Harvard, and lived for several years in a Japanese Zen monastery, which is directly reflected in its design. Also helped by the fact that he was a long time moonlighting as a jazz pianist, so music accompanied him throughout his life. The Seaboard he invented in 2009, when he studied at the Royal College of Art, and the first prototype device was built only in 2012.

It seems that due to increased investment, any musician very soon be able to buy yourself thisamazing tool in the nearest music store of the city. Wait start piano production now is very long.

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