Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Kia is preparing new hybrids

World dealerships often become not only a premier production models and concept cars, but the new units. The company Kia, for example, demonstrated in Geneva original hybrid propulsion system, as well as a new robotic gearbox.

Apparently, when creating a new gearbox engineers Kia “kept in mind” 7-speed DSG from Volkswagen: new unit got the same steps and two “dry” clutch. Moreover, it works more quickly than currently produced six-step “robot” Kia. According to estimates of developers, new gearbox 5% reduce acceleration time to 100 km / h and the engine will consume 7% less fuel. While not specify whether to refuse from Kia six-speed transmission or Volkswagen will use the example of the two boxes in parallel.

The highlight of the new hybrid power plant must be new batteries that do less harm to the environment. By the way, they will not only supply energy to the electric motor, but also a supercharger that increases the pressure of the intake air in the cylinder gasoline engine (and thus replacing more conventional turbine and mechanical blowers). Electric motor will be able to work together as a petrol turbo engine, and independently, provides the ability to move the car solely on electric.

It is argued that the new hybrid propulsion system will be 15-20% more power and a quarter of its current greener counterparts. Start complementing new development model serial Koreans going next year.

Kia is preparing new hybrids

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