Friday, March 28, 2014

Raise funds on Kickstarter to produce edible 3D-printer Foodini

At the end of last year, many known resources wrote about 3D-printer from the company Foodini Natural Machines, designed to create a ready-made dishes. Recently at the Kickstarter campaign was launched to raise funds needed to launch mass production of “personal chef” for each.

Project to raise funds to produce Foodini started only two days ago, but the company Natural Machines have managed to collect almost half of the planned amount of $ 100 thousand Thus, before the end of fundraising is still 28 days.

The project’s website says that the development of 3D-printer Foodini conducted since 2012. According to the company Natural Machines, 3D-printer Foodini can make people follow the rules of a healthy diet and give up frozen dinners or cooking of the semis. Solution Natural Machines saves enough time during cooking and automatically perform many routine operations, for example, the creation of cookies in all shapes, cooking desserts or decoration of dishes. A visual representation of the capabilities of a printer will provide this video.

As raw material for printing, the printer uses the conventional products. It is equipped with five special capsules for different ingredients of 123 ml each. All five of the capsules may be simultaneously loaded into Foodini. The total capacity of five capsules up to 615 ml.

Before you put the ingredients to make a meal in the capsule, they need maximum chop. In other words, you need to fill in a capsule homogeneous dough is obtained as a result of grinding products. With this problem any blender. It should be noted that not all the dishes printed on 3D-printer Foodini, can be used immediately after preparation. This can be done only with vegetable salads and fruit desserts of all kinds. Printed on the 3D-printer Foodini pizza or cookies before you bring to the table, you need to bake in the oven, and ravioli or pasta – cook.

The printer is equipped with a wireless module Wi-Fi, 7-inch touch screen located on the front panel, and is running Android. Special application Foodini gives users quick access to the online community, where you can find tested recipes for a wide variety of dishes and share your recipes with others in the community. There you can also find tips to use the printer, training videos and other multimedia content of all kinds. It is reported that in the application, users will be able to create a list of favorite recipes, learn a list of necessary ingredients to a particular dish, step by step instructions on preparation of dishes and set the print program, simply by selecting the desired recipe.

Natural Machines Company also announced intentions to release an API for third-party developers who can create their own applications recipes.

Mass dimensions 3D-printer Foodini h43h43 constitute 43.8 cm and 10.4 kg. Printable area – 25h16, 5×12 cm, and the diameter of the glass platform for print – 26 cm

Members Kickstarter, which will have time to make a contribution of $ 999 will be able to get 3D-printer Foodini in January 2015, whereas people donating $ 2,000, will in October this year to become the first owners of the printer Foodini limited party. Mass production of 3D-printers Foodini plan to establish by January 2015, and its cost will be $ 1,300.

Photos printed using 3D-printer Foodini dishes can be found at Natural Machines .

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