Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Citizens of which сountries satisfied the authorities' policy?

Relation to the political course varies greatly from state to state . There are countries where the vast majority of citizens satisfied with the actions of the authorities , powers and other population is mostly not approve the policy of his government. For greater clarity, offer a look at a map prepared on the basis of research results Global Attitudes Project, conducted by Pew Research in 2013. It shows what percentage of the population of the countries involved in the study, satisfied with their political course .

Almost entirely approve of the government the citizens of China and Malaysia – 85 % and 83 %, respectively. In the bottom of the rankings ranged unstable state in Southern Europe : Spain ( 5 % of citizens satisfied with the policy of the country) , Italy ( 3%) and Greece (2 %). Not surprisingly, the majority of the population of these countries with consistently high level of unemployment and constant political turmoil actively disapproves of public policy. The United States is roughly in the middle of the rankings – 31% of respondents are satisfied with the course of their country.


Citizens of which сountries satisfied the authorities' policy?

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