Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In Mali died from Ebola nurse, was the first victim of year-old girl

Medical practice and Mali, who contacted the citizen of Guinea, who died from an unknown illness, died from Ebola virus, said the head of the clinic in the capital of Mali, Bamako. The Government stated that it was a nurse, according to Reuters.

Police blocked the area of ​​the clinic where he died a medic. Representatives of the local government confirmed that contact with the deceased citizen of Guinea, in late October, died of an unknown disease, according to Reuters. At the same time, doctors have not yet checked for the presence of a Guinean who died in his body Ebola.But I suspect that it was he who brought the virus in his body from his native country. It also reported that another paramedic potentially infected, quarantined, reports RIA “Novosti” .

In Mali, from disease, Ebola virus, has died year-old girl . This is the first identified case of the disease in the country. It is not connected with a nurse.The World Health Organization estimated the situation in Mali as “emergency”, fearing that the infected girl could infect large numbers of people during his travels around the country, reports Tass.

“Numerous opportunities that people have been exposed to (virus) occurred at a time when the child had obvious symptoms,” – said the WHO. Previously, experts have repeatedly stressed that the infected person becomes infectious, but starting from the onset of symptoms.

In the case of the two-year girl who was with her grandmother visited neighboring Guinea’s funeral (many have picked up a virus on such ceremonies), the lack of such symptoms was not. According to the WHO, the girl has been featured in the temperature of 39 degrees, cough, nosebleed and blood in the stool.

Returning from the funeral, held in the city in southern Guinea Kissidougou girl with her grandmother on the bus drove through five cities in Mali, including the capital, Bamako. Here the girl stayed for two hours, before heading to the bus to his hometown Kayes 600 km from the capital, near the border with Senegal. In Kayes, a city with a population of 128 thousand. Man, the girl showed the doctor on October 20, and only the next day she was hospitalized.

As part of the preliminary investigation failed to identify contacts of an infected child 43 people, including 10 health workers. All are isolated.

According to the World Health Organization, since the current outbreak in West Africa Ebola virus infected more than 13,000 people, about five thousand of them died. The overwhelming number of victims and affected accounts for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Cases and deaths were registered in Mali and the United States. At the same time in Spain recovered the nurse who became the first diseased Ebola in the Old World. WHO also reported that in Nigeria and Senegal Ebola outbreak managed to cope.

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