Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Adam Baldwin - "The Last Ship - a real blockbuster"

Adam Baldwin, who plays Mike Slattery in the series’ The Last Ship, spoke about the work of the action-thriller channel TNT and creating the image of the hero. 

How did you get this role? 

I have filmed on TNT in the series’ Leverage. Apparently, the channel bosses were pleased with my work, and therefore offered my candidacy Michael Bei. I liked the script and, fortunately, I was able to impress the eminent director. In my opinion, the secret is to come to trial in a good mood. 

What attracted you to this project? 

Most post-apocalyptic movies and TV series deal with the consequences of a particular disaster, but we have the action takes place right during the spread of the virus. Experienced sailors on the ship manages to maintain military discipline and hierarchy, but whether they can maintain order in their ranks on the land? Sooner or later they will have to go in search of their families. Believe me, it will be a very interesting storyline. 

Adam Baldwin - "The Last Ship - a real blockbuster"

These searches will be the basis of the plot of the second season? 

Some of the questions we will reply in the next series. My hero would be happy to find a wife and children, but his colleagues have become a second family. Mike is torn between duty and desire to return home, but like any war, he realizes that the first team must perform its mission. 

You advise the military? 

Yes, from acquaintance with the crews of these warships I got a positive experience.On the set constantly military experts, who are always willing to share valuable tips.After each take, they can ask whether we behave. In addition, before filming the actors were given a copy of the book Command at Sea, which sets out the fundamentals of behavior senior officers on a warship. 

As you work with Eric Dane? 

I saw Eric in several television projects, but never met him in person. I am pleased that, thanks to the last ship we became friends. Eric - a dedicated professional who is always well prepared for each scene. Creators of our show managed to find an actor, ideally suited to the role of leader. 

Adam Baldwin - "The Last Ship - a real blockbuster"

Can you compare it with Nathan Fillion? 

Yes, the team Firefly has also become one big family, whose head was Nathan. Always a pleasure to appear in the series, the cast which is headed star, differing not only professional, but also purely human qualities. 

Physically it was hard? 

In confined spaces need to closely monitor the personal space. Not only can you face with colleagues, but about something and hit his head. But I am very pleased with the experience. It looked as if we were shooting a real Hollywood blockbuster, only divided into ten episodes. 

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