Monday, February 16, 2015

Joker - Movie Wild Card review

Always sad to watch as former authority and respect to a particular artist slowly but rapidly eroding due to the huge number of low-quality pictures. Thus, each time assuring that there may be something worse.

The famous actor Nicolas Cage has long been experiencing a similar response on the skin and removed at any second-class thrash. Thus, allowing only remember the old work actor and really decent picture with his participation. Sadly, in this swamp appearnot less eminent Jason Staten, who even consolidating its laurels of one of the protagonists of contemporary thriller completely lost against the background of indistinguishablesecond grade.

Joker - Movie Wild Card review

That’s only if the previous work with Steytemom could look basically like to say about this work, directed by Simon West is simply impossible. Since the film Wild Card has turned out well, just a nightmare. In truth, the director of the film by Simon West directed the film – absolutely nothing that allows nostalgic for such stout work of directors as “Con Air,” “Lara Croft” and really think about how and West came to this state. After all, the film turned out far not what we promised him at the time of its creation. Since almost from the first frame creates the feeling of being willing to implement several genres on the screen, the West took something located in the middle. But in the case of this film, each of the genres toils attention to themselves and literally breaks a picture into pieces. Naturally because of what the film, resulting in very mixed feelings when viewing.

Joker - Movie Wild Card review

After all, if you look at the film as art-house band, the film is devoid of any copyright underscore and even more dramatic depth. If as a thriller Wild Card, the entire action is reduced to an absolute minimum, and it seems that all the spectacular moments easily fit in the trailer for the film these things.

Joker - Movie Wild Card review

Thus, watching a film at the level of emotion is simply impossible. As the story has turned completely sucked from the finger, stupid and absolutely no. Thus, without incurring a absolutely no sense. When directing as well as poor in the mighty hand and wins a beautifully shot picture and those few scenes of spectacle, which is really impressive, but no more.

Joker - Movie Wild Card review

Artist starring Jason Staten again to try on the image of a tough guy with a three-day stubble, which is ready to crumble any number of enemies in spite of their skills and heavily armed. It looks like the image is always cool, but so we Steytema seen in countless other films and due to this impression of his game greatly blunted.

Joker - Movie Wild Card review

Michael Angarano very unnerved me throughout the tape, and it is “registered” in the face of the actors Sofia Vergara, Ann Hatch, Hope Davis and Stanley Tucci completely lost on the sidelines. Never Zaim opportunity to shine their characters, and even the game. The only one who looks quite appropriate, since it is Milo Ventimiglia, who quite naturally accustomed to the image of the local mafia son of sinful pride.

Wild Card – it’s probably the worst film starring Jason Statham which deprives the audience of the main reason why they are watching a movie with Steytemom and this – the spectacle. After the almost complete absence of spectacle filmmakers could not compensate completely stupid plot patterns and abundance of momentary cameo famous actors who fail to disperse enough on the screen.

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