Despite the fact that the accumulation of salts in the body – a natural process, since it is worth fighting for.
Source of salt in the human body is food and water. If the body receives a large amount of salt, and it can not cope with its excess excretion through the kidneys and sweat, the salt will begin to accumulate.Naturally, it is harmful to our body, as disturbed electrolyte balance. Therefore it is necessary to find an effective way to help bring salt from the body.
More water
One of the most effective ways to output excess salt from the body is to increase the volume of water consumed. The body uses water to dilute the salt compound. Therefore, the more salt you eat, the more you need clean water for its dissolution. Drinking enough clean water will help get rid of excess salt through the kidneys. Drinking water should be evenly throughout the day, so the body does not feel thirsty.
Less salt
The second way to deal with the excess salt – to reduce its consumption. For people whose bodies can not cope with the withdrawal of excess salt, there are special diet low in this substance. Restricting salt intake in food is reduced to a minimum daily – 1500mg. Such a diet should be followed until when excess salt is not removed from the body. Typically, this 2-3 days. But after such a short diet should control the consumption of the substance during the day to avoid the re-accumulation of salt.
Physical activity
It is proved that with the help of exercise can derive excess salt from the body through sweat. It is through sweating can derive most of the excess salt. Engage in intense exercise 30 minutes a day and you will see the result. But in this case, it is worth remembering the water balance. Since then not only takes extra salt, and water, so you need to replenish lost fluids.
Diuretics are of natural origin
Nowadays, there are a number of products that stimulate the cleansing of the body of salt. These are foods like green vegetables, onions, asparagus, beets, ginger, lemon. Also actively removes salt from the body caffeinated drinks – coffee and tea. And when you use this method, it is worth remembering the water balance: on each cup of coffee in the body must be supplied 2 cups of clean water. It is also worth to maintain the level of potassium in the body. This will help you such products as sea kale, lentils, raisins, dried apricots and almonds.
Accumulation of salt in the body need to prevent, so we advise to switch from the use of salt in the sea.
How to bring salt from the body
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