Friday, December 5, 2014

Star of the movie "disappeared" Rosamund Pike had a baby

Happy event took place in the family of 35-year-old actress Rosamund Pike and her husband’s 54-year-old cameraman Robie Uniacke. Star of the movie “disappeared” gave birth to a second son. According to the British actress, mom and baby are doing well. Rosamund, as well as the first time, did not resort to the help of midwives, and gave birth to a child on their own, of being at home. Name of the newborn couple has not yet reported. The fact that the blond beauty is pregnant with her second child, became known in June.

Star of the movie "disappeared" Rosamund Pike had a baby
Rosamund Pike began to meet with the cameraman Robie Uniacke in 2009. Two years later, the actress gave birth to a son, Solo, and the fifth of June Paik announced her second pregnancy. Nevertheless, the pair is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship, preferring to live in de facto unions. In an interview with Rosamund commented on his love affair with Yuniakom: “You know, I used to go out with her husband in the light. However, I do not need it all the time. I do not want him to be my crutch. My husband – the man with whom I would like to go home and not to sit next to at a dinner party. “

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