Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Canadian scientists have created a trap for bugs

Bedbugs – extremely unpleasant and even dangerous roommates in any home. Bites, diseases, allergic reactions – this is not all that can “please” blood sucking insects. Most prevalent in the homes of so-called “bed bugs.” However, no matter how kind the tenant had no business – all of them unpleasant and dangerous.

So – you need to destroy bedbugs. By itself is not all, but at least within their own homes. Make it very difficult, not to say that is impossible. Meanwhile, the research team from Canada seems to have found a way to overcome the small backbiters their own weapons.

The fruit of three years of work has become an innovative trap, which is still in the prototype stage. In the next few months, the science team plans to organize a commercial release of their offspring. According to scientists, it is worth a trap for bugs to be no more than 25-30 dollars, but it needs to be “recharged” special enzyme that is used to lure insects. The cost of the enzyme is not known.

The principle of operation of the trap is simple – it is set in the areas of potential habitat of insects, and then turn on. It is best to keep the trap near the places of sleep, upholstered furniture and shelves with clothes. Trap attracts bugs false pheromones that bugs mark safe for them zone. Once one of these “safe” zones bugs die in a matter of seconds.

Created fake pheromone is completely harmless to humans. The smell of the substance and not, in any case, people just do not feel it. For obvious reasons, scientists recommend not to spill the pheromone on clothing and furniture. By itself, it is not toxic, but contact with mucous obolochnoy not desirable. Scientists admitted that during the test feromna were counting bites bedbugs. Three researchers they had about 180 thousand in three years.

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