Today we tell about what places to visit in the capital of Chile, which is not only one of the largest, but also one of the most beautiful cities in South America.
In order to get to Chile, if you do not plan to stay in the country for more than 90 days, the citizens of Russian visa is not required. Flights to Santiago will cost about 50 thousand rubles, and will fly about 18 hours (but the journey to the other side of the earth, believe me, it’s worth it!). Hotels in countless, you can find them on almost any street, so early booking is less need, and something concrete from the hotels we will not advise. Ensconced in a pleasing hotel, we recommend not to waste any time and immediately sent to Mount Santa Lucia, located in the city.
Was a long and difficult path founder Pedro de Valdivia, Santiago to the place where now the capital of Chile stretches. Lasted more than a year of his expedition through the valley of Arequipa, Moquegua and arid Atacama desert, accompanied by countless attacks against Indians. Finally, February 12, 1541 conquistador, climbing the hill of Santa Luzia, declared: “There will lie Santiago de la Nueva Extremadura”. But the troubles of the first governor of Chile did not end there: while at the foot of the Santa Lucia grows wooden houses with thatched roofs, he fought with the wild inhabitants of the mountains, led by the leader Michimalonko. Although Valdivia and managed to defend Santiago luck “turned his back to him,” Pedro was waiting for a horrible death at the hands of the Indians. Now from the top of Santa Lucia offers not the kind that appeared before Valdivia: sprawls beneath a huge metropolis. Unfortunately, from the mountain fortress located on the left no trace, and the visit of Charles Darwin here resembles a memorial sign. But at the peak of a hill to climb that best foot rather than rarity funicular, the statue of the founder of the city, and its slopes are green alleys of the picturesque park.
Explore the city can not do without visiting his “heart”, where all roads lead the country. All the most important events in the history of Chile took place on the Place d’Armes, which started the history of Santiago. In 1541, on the orders of Pedro de Valdivia on this place was founded by the armory, and then settled in the Spanish military. Later settled and the founder of the Chilean government in the form of another monument. By the way, this is one of the most unusual equestrian statues of the world: the horse Captain-General no bridle, and he – the reins, because the new world subdue him and failed.
Pedro de Valdivia monument
Plaza de Armas stores the history of the capital: here are the National History Museum and the Governor’s residence, the municipality and the fire department, post office and mint. A fountain near Simon Bolivar, a gift to the centenary of independence of Chile and the giver in response to residents and visitors cool in the hot summer days, are always assigned to a romantic rendezvous. Most beautiful building in the Plaza de Armas – is impressive hulk Cathedral of Santiago de Chile, managed to emerge victorious from the fight with the destructive forces of nature.
Cathedral of Santiago de Chile
Historians say: just a few decades, the white people who came to the New World, effortlessly destroyed the entire culture of the ancient civilizations of the Maya, Inca and Aztec. For custodians of knowledge, dead at the hands of the conquistadors, followed by the entire documentary history. Hundreds of unique codes to collect all that the Maya knew about astrology, history and astronomy, were burned in the fire of fanatical Diego de Landa. Europeans later regretted his actions: the lost wisdom had to collect the crumbs. 50 years for the passionate collector Larraynu Sergio Garcia to become the owner of one of the best in the world expositions of life of America before Columbus. Collection of pre-Columbian art Chilean Museum contains more than a thousand exhibits from Chinchorro mummies to bale – the ancient system of accounts. Seven showrooms of operation which can be found at , is just a block from the Place d’Armes.
Museum of pre-Columbian art in Chile
Then you can go to the famous palace of La Moneda. On the construction of the most famous buildings in Chile, emblazoned on postcards, took the efforts of a unit of architects and 21 years time. Which just had to order materials or builders: used and sand from the Mapocho and limestone blocks from Polpaiko and twenty types of bricks and 24,000 nails imported from distant Spain. The long-awaited grand opening of the mint, able to provide minting money outside of Spain, held in 1805 and has become very important for the economy of Santiago event. Although the palace, lying on a quarter used for other purposes until 1929, in 1845 to money bags have settled the Government of Chile, and then is taken to La Moneda government needs. In 1973, the Palace, the walls of which was hiding a socialist Salvador Allende, was taken by storm, and the president himself committed suicide here. Since 2003, La Moneda is a tourist attraction and is open to the public from 10 am to 6 pm on weekdays. Everyone, not horrifying long queues may look into a cultural center or hear a story about a controversial bill in 2008, where instead of Chile indicated Chiie.
Palace of La Moneda
Many tourists last point in the program must visit the local cemetery of Santiago worth (and it’s not black humor). According to the most conservative estimates, the main cemetery of the Chilean capital, founded in 1821, found their final resting place for more than two million dead. Abode deceased, located immediately downstream of the metro area Recoleta, stretches nearly square kilometer. First, there could find rest only Catholics, but over the years the vast territory has grown a city of the dead. Here, everyone has a home: the rich and famous – gorgeous mausoleums, in less affluent – battered by centuries monuments or “flats” with cells for the ashes. From grave to grave are real streets, some of them even drive cars. And for living, looked into the realm of silence, the story comes alive. Central Cemetery of Santiago buried almost all the presidents of South American states, had escaped from their ranks only Augusto Pinochet, Bernardo O’Higgins and Gabriel Gonzalez Videla. A special place among the deceased heroes of Chile Salvador Allende takes. Every year on September 11 thousand inhabitants, preserving the memory of a thousand days of his reign, gather at memorial missing, and then at his grave. By the way, here you can look at any time of the day in the cemetery are conducted day and night tours.
What to see in Santiago
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