This year the company Ilona Mask, famous billionaire, SpaceX will make a test run of the greatest of all the existing missiles: Falcon Heavy. It will consist of three “standard” spacecraft. And be able to without problems to Mars.
At the start of the power of this missile will be equal to the power 15 Boeing 747 flying at top speed. According to the company’s founder, only one spacecraft in history was heavier – Saturn V, used by NASA in the implementation of programs “Apollo” and “Skylab” in the period from 1967 to 1973.
Through its 27 engines Faclon Heavy is able to deliver 13,200 pounds on Mars, and into orbit “take out” and even more – 53 000.
Here are the comparative characteristic rocket compared with others. Saturn V is not displayed, its capacity was 118,000 kg.
Here is the Falcon 9. The image can be seen as small by comparison seem people.
It will look like a rocket after launch.
And this picture shows the legendary Saturn V.
The main objective of the project – to enhance the prospects of colonization of Mars. Because in order to move to the red planet, people need to take back a huge variety of equipment. Here is what says about Elon Musk:
“The most important task – to build self-sustaining civilization on Mars. Once we succeed, the future of mankind will be much safer. Over time, Mars can terramorfirovat example, “heat” the planet, the oceans make ice melt and make it more approximate to the conditions of the earth. It’s very, very difficult, but it’s possible. “
So what exactly Faclon Heavy launch could be the first serious step towards the development of mankind Mars.
This year, Mars will be the first rocket launched
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