Diablo plunged, Sanctuary exults. But evil is not eradicated, because the soul is immortal Diablo.Her imprisoned in stone and brought to a secret vault, hoping that it will remain there forever. But the trouble came from not waiting. Angel Cmert Maltael stole stone to use it to destroy humanity and thereby put an end to endless war between Heaven and Hell. Whatever the motives are not moved higher being, we can only rejoice. After all, we are waiting for a new act, a new boss, a new class, a new game mode! The Adventure Continues.
Blizzard knows how to listen to the fans. Shortly before the Reaper of Souls supplement company released a huge amount of changes for patch 2.0.1 for Diablo III , which corrected most of the flaws of the game. Users can now choose their most appropriate for themselves the level of difficulty.Development of the hero does not end when you reach the maximum level. Moreover, it has just begun!Levels of “Paragon” allow pump 16 passive skills. These levels are in the hundreds, they can drop by drop, but eventually seriously strengthen hero. However, the hunt for weapons and armor still has priority.
Blizzard merit system is recycled loss of things, she even got a special name – Loot 2.0. Legendary armor and weapons are knocked out more often. The stronger the opponent, the greater the likelihood that he will drop something valuable. And the thing is likely to be optimized for the class of your character. In other words, the Barbarian gets a bonus to Strength, and Wizard – Intellect. And finally closed Auction. To eliminate the possibility of a black market, the developers made it so that things found attached to the account owner. Opportunity to share there, but only among party members and only a short time.
Therefore, the game stimulates unite with friends in clans to agree on a joint campaign in the Underworld and support each other. Due to the disappearance of the Auction smithy and goldsmith acquired relevance. Found gold and ingredients fly instantly, amalgamating the precious stones and forge armor.
By the company of jewelers and smiths joined Fortune Teller, allowing for significant cost to modify certain parameters of things, and enchant, changing their appearance. For example, you do not like the look of the helmet found, well, he is knocked out of style armor. Choose any of the dozens of proposed form, cover with gold paint – try on!
Supplement offers, alas, only one new class – the Crusader. In the past it was called Paladin and his return fans have been waiting impatiently. In fact, what is this game about the war between angels and demons, if it has anyone even voodoo shaman and a Tibetan monk, but there is no knight in shining armor. Now the balance is restored!
As a new class of just one, the Crusaders scored Battle.net now. This is especially depressing uniformity felt during the passage of campaign like the crusades. Solid knights with the same methods in the same suspicious armor. It will take another couple of months until they are dissolved in the total mass of nefalemov Barbarians, Monks and Wizards.
However, the class of the Crusaders turned surprisingly interesting. In principle, this “tank” for broad shoulders which can hide hunters and Sorcerers. Crusader was created in order to survive in the midst of a nuclear explosion. Shield gives you a nice bonus to armor. Passive skills are intended to promote the health and strength. Knight runs into the crowd of demons, teases them, takes fire to himself and begins to shy around meteorites and spinning sacred hammers. Crusader has slowly but surely. This, incidentally, is the only class that is controlled by one hand with a two-handed weapon.
New act attracts an entourage of dark fantasy with medieval towns, sullen swamps and cemeteries infernal measurements with restless corpses. The story is simple, but it allows you to finish the story quite dead villains to defeat the angel of death, and make sure that the game is sure to be continued (after such a laconic finals it can not be). Most likely in the form of a supplement. ”Milking» Diablo III can now be indefinitely by feeding the fans once a year and a half, one new class act, and increasing the maximum level of development. Example World of WarSraft contagious.
Bosses good. They make the move, to sort sets of active skills, try different options and swing-swing-swing, gradually raise the levels of complexity for fast leveling and better weapons to then proceed to the main course – to the regime of “adventure”.
“Adventure” – a small generator campaigns. Passage of one such robs the party of heroes to half time.Once in the city, they open the card and see before them five active missions. Different job: to clean the dungeon, kill the boss, survive torture chamber and so on. The action takes place in the familiar scenery, but the light changes and a set of monsters and demons elite here are found almost no more than ordinary. It happens that jumping into the portal immediately want to go back. Ill becomes the kind of cast-fire, lightning and acid field. Here only the fittest survive.
After the mission made it possible to open a “portal Nefalemsky” and go to race on other measurements. Here it is necessary to crush the enemies quickly to open the main boss. His appearance and abilities from time to time is a mystery. Sometimes he appears just plump bumpkin, and sometimes with him have long tinker. Compared to individual instances Diablo Maltael butterflies seem friendly. But we must kill them. First, because the reward is good, such bosses generously sypyatsya ingredients and a good weapon. Second, the only way to get “bloody shards.” This currency is used to buy things with classified parameters.
Nefalemskie dungeon sets appear in the form of familiar scenery, but when moving from one location to another can throw the heroes of the second act of the desert to the city streets of the fifth, but anywhere. Because of this very passage of the campaign throws. In the “Adventures” to earn gold and experience is a much more interesting and, importantly, much faster.
Schedule changed for the better, but not much. On the one hand, the weak computers owners rejoice, because the game is flying at maximum settings. On the other – shaking fists people with powerful systems in the form of a mighty hero on the start screen, covered with ugly textures. But nothing slows in conditions where crawling on the screen tens of demons, and the Crusaders squad begins to unwind hammers.
Art-design, as before, is spotless. The same applies to the sound design, only the soundtrack additions turned a tad too lofty and assertive. Pipes and choral singing are knocked out of the total for Diablo III music series.
Reaper of Souls to become an ideal, it was necessary to add another new class. Crusader is good from all sides, especially the front, but it lacks the company. It seems that the druid (assassin, necromancer or someone) Blizzard has in store for the next add-on. And it certainly will be, as the final stories Reaper of Souls turned too open. Sanctuary door wide open for a new villain. Come next, who is not scared.
Otherwise, all is well. New act entertains fresh decorations. Bosses – one another more dangerous and cunning, only manage to dodge. Maximum level of development has risen to 70th, respectively, in each class of new abilities. A mode “adventure” stamps mission levels and bosses with such speed that barely have time to take them. And immediately rush to the next. Break away from this Diablo III is very difficult.
- An interesting new class of Crusaders
- Dynamic and beautiful new instrument
- In good challenging bosses
- Gorgeous mode “adventure”, generating missions and bosses, eliminates the need to return to the campaign
- Maximum level of development increased to 70 th, each class added new active and passive skills
- Only one new class
Review game Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - death-defying
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