This studio is made for games “Batman” is the same as Christopher Nolan once done with the film version of “Dark Knight.” That’s what we Reloaded trilogy hero lifted to new heights, and adventure by the London company finally showed that of the comic book heroes can make a decent game.
So, games trilogy studio Rocksteady coming to an end in October Batman: Arkham Knight will draw a line adventures of Batman.
Even if this series you deeply care about, one can not be denied: Rocksteady not without success, returned to a hero gaming arena, more than compensated for the years of unbearable shame, whom were accompanied by all video game incarnation Man costume. Early demo, whom he met magazine EDGE , left no doubt: we are waiting for one more beautiful, brutal, rich in adventure game. The only real question to be answered by the developers – as they add to the game Batmobile, without destroying the already developed formulas and without destroying the rhythm of the game.
What Batman game can do without this loony girls!
Alas, living city, where you can ride will not be. Of course, the Batmobile is, but history tells about the chemical attack on the city, as a result of which all residents were evacuated. There are only a gang of villains, supervillains, several police officers and our winged guy. That is, we will ride through the deserted streets.
From what I saw EDGE, that can now be recalled at any time futuristic car and go on a quest. And here you are flying through the night streets, barricades slips villains, admiring the neon lights … But from the first seconds it is clear that this is not GTA: Batman. Despite the huge size of the world GTAV , the space created by Rockstar , was mainly exterior: beautiful, diverse, detailed. You could just sit behind the wheel in the car and spend a couple of hours. Open World Arkham Knight is not so great, because the developers want to keep the “charm hikes and battles.”
“The atmosphere and gameplay mechanics of the interior were defined in Arkham Asylum, – explains marketing producer Gene Dex (Dax Ginn). – It was a closed game, claustrophobic, so we really appreciate the opportunity to work with tight locations and the most concentrated action game. Significant technical achievement was to simultaneously stored in memory and internal and external locations. Through the window you will see on Thu going on inside the building, stop Batmobile, rush inside and start the battle. We were not going to make a great game world just for its size, our task – very detailed, eventful city. “
The game world is five times more than in Arkham City, but, as we are assured developers a level of detail is not affected. But is it? Batman worn with frightening speed, so keep an eye on the environment is almost impossible. And the demo version, grieve in EDGE, was too short. But the level of confidence in the studio publishers and license holders is huge. No wonder Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment allowed to experiment with the size of the game and the Batmobile, and even introduced the DC Comics universe in its new character created igrodelov – Knight Arkham. They say he will become one of the permanent “residents” of the universe DC. Does this paper canons? “I have no idea, but we have worked very closely with the comic book publisher, coordinated with him every step, so that he knows better – says Dex. – Since it is allowed to enter the Knight, then the quality of his suit. “
What awaits Rocksteady’s next? For resurrection “Batman” Nolan gave the green light to shoot “Elements”; for all their achievements Naughty Dog awarded a risky project The Last Of Us. Maybe this is true for Rocksteady, Arkham Knight and after it will something unique? “Frankly, I do not know what we will do, now we need to complete the trilogy, and more … We have so many possibilities!” – Said Mr. Jean.
Trailer Batman: Arkham Knight:
As batman, rocksteady complete saga?
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