Tuesday, January 28, 2014

iHealth AM3 - available fitness watches

To date, there are many variations fitness bracelets from different firms , for example , Nike Fuelband, Jawbone up, Fitbit Flex and others reckoned to their ranks Pebble Watch and similar smart bracelets, which have the ability to measuring your physical actions , you probably should not : in such gadgets is – secondary function rather than basic.

I would like to share their experiences of using a fitness bracelet IHealth AM3.


In the box we find two of hypoallergenic rubber bracelet (black and blue) and two clips on the pants if suddenly you will be uncomfortable to wear a bracelet on her arm. Aside from these things in the box is actually very informative part , it is a puck to the face .


This washer is made of plastic, the housing there is only one key , but that’s about covering the dial can not say anything , only that for the month of active use of it is not scratched .

What can ?

When you first turn on the device you will need to synchronize with zakonnektitsya ipad or iphone, unfortunately , Android is not supported. And now the company offers iHealth app download proprietary – iHealth MyVitals. One of the advantages iHealth AM3 is that synchronization occurs via Bluetooth 4.0 BLE. It is not necessary to connect the gadget directly to your phone or computer , as is done in Fitbit Flex.


The application after synchronization we can look at our activity for the day, expressed as steps you’ve walked , sleep efficiency , and calories burned throughout the day. All these parameters are displayed in a very visual charts.

For precise control of calories burned can be administered food that you consume in a day and see the difference between the received and spent , respectively , calories.


By clicking on a single button on the puck to toggle between indicators of activity :

  • First pressing steps are shown ;

  •  the second press displays the distance traveled;

  • in the third – the number of calories burned ;


and fourth press shows a kind of pedestal tasks performed during the day.

One of the major chip shaybochki have the ability to switch modes certain gesture or by double tapping on it. You simply hold the clock sharply to face, and they are activated , hand carry through – and you change the displayed information , very convenient!

Charging of a watch is made with the help of micro-usb. Fully charge obtained approximately 30-40 minutes . Included is a very short micro-usb cord, which is not good . Battery capacity – 165 mAh.


Autonomy hours suits me personally , when all of its functions are enough of them for 7-8 days

Here is the 2 bracelets and 2 clips that are in the kit , clip has not had to use it, but two different bracelet – a plus , given the very democratic price .



For me in choosing this kind of device in the first place still worth the cost , and then equal iHealth AM3 simply was not. At a price of about $ 60-70 , a complete set of functions and was not in any fitness bracelet, that’s why I did not hesitate , chose to side product iHealth.


iHealth AM3 - available fitness watches

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