Saturday, May 24, 2014

Glenn Hauerton: "Play stupid coach was just"

Possible spoilers! 

Don Champ performed by Glenn Hauertona coach blackmailer from the series“Fargo» (Fargo), maybe a bit stupid, but incredibly ambitious. One of the most daring of his actions was to merge with the main villain of history - Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) to blackmail Stavros (Oliver Platt). 

The couple, of course, turned out pretty weird, but their actions were well coordinated and, most importantly, effective. At least it was not until until Lorne not caulked Don in his own closet, thus giving to understand that in this business partner, he no longer needed. 

Glenn Hauerton found in his busy schedule a few minutes to talk about resource TVRage position your character, and how he managed so well to get used to the underdog role is clearly intelligence hero. “Playing such a naive guy was pretty simple - says Glenn. It’s like I went back to my childhood, when so easy to get under someone’s bad influence. Especially if affects you such a hard guy like Lorne Malvo. “
Although Don had to wonder what it could mean imprisonment in pantry, Hauertonargues that this is more a fan of tanning experiencing on another occasion: “I think he is not so much afraid of violence towards themselves, many do not want to be caught.” 

And if he has at least some general plan of escape from this makeshift prison?The answer is simple, as he Champ - absolutely no. And this, according to the actor, the worst of all possible strategies in this situation, especially when looms Malvo.

Comparing Don Dennis, a hero of the TV series “In Philadelphia Always Sunny» (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia), the actor says, “Dennis in this situation all the time would have spent on trying to understand how to get out of this place. Donsame just gobbled up all the food that is there, and then dirtied everything around him. Write in your own shoes … God knows what else he can do there … Dennis - cynical and distrustful, and Don - a very naive and obedient. “ 

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